The UCC Students’ Union represents students in UCC. The SU’s main functions are to provide academic assistance to students, to provide support to students in need, to lobby the University and the government on issues affecting students, and to provide entertainment on campus. You can contact the different officers in the SU for advice.
The UCC Students’ Union (UCCSU) is a democratic organization run by 6 fulltime officers elected by the student body. Each Officer has a specific area that they are responsible for. You can read more about the SU Executive and their respective roles on the SU website.
You can contact any officer but below are some of the contacts that you may want to be aware of as an autistic student:
Education Officer:
Welfare Officer:
Disability Rights Officer:
The Students’ Union have played an important part in the Autism Friendly University Initiative and the Deputy SU President sits on the Steering Group.
How could this affect me?
Message from the SU President:
Welcome to UCC from all of us here in UCC Students’ Union. Our job is to represent all 22,000 UCC students on the key issues affecting your student experience, from your wellbeing to academics, and everything in between. We also run regular entertainment such as music acts and comedians throughout the year, especially on Freshers’ Week and RAG Week. So make sure to follow us on social media and call in for a cup of tea and a chat at our offfices on 54 College Road, beside the SU Common Room. UCC is a large place and can be daunting at times, however, if you ever need some support/ a quick chat, you’ll have a friend in 54 College Road!
This toolkit is an excellent resource to familiarise yourself with UCC and the campus. Make sure to check out the supports available to you here in UCC.
Take care!
Naoise Crowley
SU President