After you have registered with the DSS and had your Needs Assessment, you can meet your advisor again to check in and discuss any issues or questions you may have.
This post explains what you should do to set up the meeting and how best to prepare to make the most of it.
Please note all meetings with advisors are currently being held online, and not in-person on campus.
Your initial Needs Assessment (first meeting with your advisor) should have resulted in any reasonable accommodations that you need being put in place. You are welcome to meet your advisor again to check in and discuss how your supports are working for you or if anything needs adapting.
How could this affect me?
All meetings with your advisor are currently online and will continue to be until you are advised otherwise. The below information relate only to in-person meetings once normal activity resumes on campus.
Please do not attend the DSS in person, unless *explicitly* told to by your advisor.
Meeting your Advisor
To make the most of any meeting with your advisor, be it for a scheduled or a ‘drop-in’ appointment, you should arrange to be on time, and wait for the advisor to call you.
Scheduled Appointments with your Advisor
If the meeting is a scheduled appointment, you should wait on the bench near the Shtepps (lecture theatre on floor 1). You will then be met with an advisor who will bring to a student consultation room (Room 1.01, 1.03 or 1.05).
‘Drop In’ Meetings
The DSS allocates certain hours for ‘drop-in’ meetings and there are different advisors allocated to different times. ‘Drop-in’ means you can just show up at these times and see an advisor (although you may have to wait a little while to meet someone). The advisor you see may not be your usual advisor but you will still be able to ask questions or get advice.
If it is a ‘drop-in’ meeting, you will be going to the reception for Access and Participation (1.43), and asking to meet an advisor for a drop in appointment, you will then be asked to take a seat, and you will be called when the advisor is free.
If you need to reschedule or cancel a meeting there should be a link in your booking email that will allow you to reschedule. If you have any issue with this you can email and say who your meeting is with and that you need to reschedule or cancel.
What to do next?
Don't feel you have to wait until you have a problem or a question to check in with your advisor.
Practical tips
Come with a list, this can be on your phone, or sent ahead in an email, or it might be a written list, whatever works for you to answer all of your questions. It’s also good to have pen and paper (or your phone) to make some notes while you’re meeting, if this helps.
Take a seat, take your time, and don’t feel rushed. Please don’t feel you have to wait for an issue or question to arise to link in with advisors in the DSS. Students often like to pop in just to ‘check-in’ with their advisor, and this is good practice. We would recommend you check in with your advisor at least once in each semester.
Questions to think about
Do you know who your advisor is?
Do you know when the ‘drop-in’ sessions are scheduled?
Do you know how to book a meeting with your advisor?